Quasimoto wondering how Abel got in there…

Judging by the redness of his eyes, you can guess Abel got to a pretty great idea…aren’t all ideas great when you’re stoned? Anyway, Abel and Quasimoto were chillin on the streets, smoking up a […]
Judging by the redness of his eyes, you can guess Abel got to a pretty great idea…aren’t all ideas great when you’re stoned? Anyway, Abel and Quasimoto were chillin on the streets, smoking up a […]
Oh my glob! Now that was one blee blop of a stag party! Can’t believe everyone made it through… The Flame Princess was there, Peppermint Buttler, Marceline, Tree Trunks… Heck! Even the Earl of Lemongrab […]
Catching some wind in a convertible with Ramble Jon Krohn…Abel met RJD2 back in the early ’90s when RJ began making music. It was all about spinning some good records and mixing great tunes to […]
Times change, trends evolve and die out, technology progresses and never looks back, that’s what Abel was trying to explain to his friend Homestar Runner. But the dude was so persistent and stubborn about flash […]
Ahh, the golden age of Nickelodeon… Doesn’t it seem like all the cartoons from that era were the craziest, funniest, and the best thing on TV? Some of you might remember Abel’s several guest appearances […]